Doing what needs to be done

I’ve spent quite a chunk of Saturday, my only true day off most weeks, diligently fulfilling my duties as communications director for Florida Citizens for Science. There are a couple of bills filed in the state legislature that would change how instructional materials can be reviewed and chosen by school districts. There is a lot of potential for mischief in those bills, especially as it relates to evolution and related science subjects. Today I discovered some new information that helps build Florida Citizens for Science’s case against the bills. I wrote a couple of blog posts at the FCS site. Then I responded to emails from folks and groups wanting to help. I have a possible talk set up in the Tampa area for mid-February. I put the finishing touches on a FCS news release I’ll likely send out early in the week about our opposition to the bills. I posted stuff to Facebook and Twitter. I did some Internet research, reading websites and listening to archived radio shows concerning the bills. And, of course, I’m compiling all of it for potential future Going Ape purposes. Too bad this isn’t a paying gig. But it’s work that has to be done. Fortunately, I enjoy it.

And as mid-afternoon approaches, I think I’ll finally step away from it all for a bit. I need to go pick up some wine …  you know, the important stuff! Cheers!
